Monday, 23 October 2017

Passion Project

Passion Project

Passion project is when you pick something you’re passionate about and you then take that idea and put it into a project. The project has to fit under 1 or more, of these categories. Enterprise, Globalization, Citizenship, and Sustainability. You had the choice to do it individually or to collaborate, I chose to collab with Violet.

Our Idea was to persuade the SPCA into letting us advertise the animals so the people in Taranaki can see how loving they actually by coming to the Opening day we were going to host. We had lots of trouble because When we asked North Taranaki SPCA if we could do this they said that they host an opening day every Year in  February.

We had to change our Idea and we didn’t know what to do so then Mrs. McA helped us change the idea into just advertising the Animals that have been at the SPCA for the longest.

Our success was that we gave all of the animals that we advertised homes to lovely owners.Violet and I were very grateful that Blossom and coke (the ones we advertised) got lovely homes.

If we did this again we would try and get the task done faster.